Whether you work for someone else or manage your own company, you will need to consider your own marketing efforts. Having business cards available is a great way to show others what you do and the services that you offer. You never know when a business opportunity may come up. It’s a good idea to buy unique business cards when making this investment. Take a look at the following information to better understand the reasons as to why you should invest in unique business cards. Read More»
Christmas is closing in fast. You need a way to show your friends and family you care with a special gift that won’t break your budget. You need a unique gift that your loved ones will cherish, but you don’t know where to start. Here are five Christmas gift ideas:
1. Photo Poster
What better way to spread holiday cheer than a poster of your family? Rather than sending holiday family photos that will sit on a mantel, send out a poster that your loved ones will proudly display on the wall. Read More»
As a business owner, you probably understand just how important advertising is, but are you really advertising to your full potential? In this “popcorn society,” nearly everyone is in a hurry. Traditional methods of advertising like radio commercials or long ads might not be as effective. One overlooked advertising option are rack cards. In a nutshell, rack cards are a cross between a brochure and a business card. When designed correctly, a rack card can provide a wealth of information in a fast and easy to read format. Read More»
Whether you need business cards, banners, signs, or brochures, a professional printing service can help you produce polished looking material. Using a service ensures you get satisfactory results as well as a final product that looks exactly how you want your company to be portrayed. You can always print things yourself, but the cost of ink, paper, and other supplies as well as employee overhead may end up costing you more in the long run. Read More»
Silk business cards are part of a new trend that is hitting the business card market. They are essentially cards that feel smoother and softer than regular business cards, but are slightly more durable because the fibers are better connected and the cards are thicker. These business cards tend to be much more expensive than normal business cards. As a result, you are going to want to make sure that you are a person or a company that truly needs the benefits that silk business cards can provide. Read More»